Oct 14, 2004

too much space

well kids, it seems as though i am finally moving out. technically speaking, i guess that one could say i have already done this... going off to school and all. i would have to disagree. going to school is going to school. when you leave home after high school to attend college in a distant land, your parents house is always what you call home. though you might have your own place at school, it is always just a temporary thing.

aside from the brief sabbatical that i took in Athens last spring quarter, i have been living at home for over a year, and i cant stand it any longer. that is right, i am packing up my room, taking my things and moving out! the apartment has been obtained and the lease will soon be signed. aside from having to share it with sarah, it will be all mine! i will have my own shelf rotating refrigerator, my own table, my own stove, my own furniture, and my own freaking roll of toilet paper! (yes, sarah will use the toilet paper too, but she will replace it after she finishes it. oh, and she will flush the toilet after she uses it!) what a joyous thing it will be.

there seems to be only one problem. my bedroom is huge! filling all this space may have been easy if i had a queen size bed, or a giant desk or something, but no. i have my wonderful self-designed, hand made, twin size loft bed, and the little desk that fits quite nicely underneath it. so the question is, what am i going to do with all of this space? help me here. give me some of your own profound thoughts and insights into the best way to fill my room.

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