Oct 12, 2004

the drug that is caffeine

i have this problem. i am addicted to caffeine. sometimes i ponder this problem and think that i really should attempt to do something about it. other times, i am actually quite happy with my addiction. i imagine how it could be worse than it really is. my case could be such as that of the high school teacher who is fondly remembered for her addiction to Diet Coke. i like to think that there is something more "cool" or "exciting" in being addicted to coffee.

every morning, i wake up and it is the first thing that i think about. the rare days that the morning ritual of a pot of jet black Starbucks Guatemala, the triple grande vanilla skim latte, or the double tall skim no whip toffee nut latte is skipped, i feel like my entire life is out of whack. even worse, my head feels as though it is being squeezed in a vice. people used to ask us Starbucks baristas, past and present, what it is that starbucks puts in their coffee to keep people coming back day after day. well my friends, i have the answer...

an extra dose of caffeine and a smile. oh yes, dont be fooled. you like starbucks so much more than the other java joints because there is more of the addictive drug that is caffeine. so please, before you all end up like me, take some time and think about what you are ordering. forget about that extra shot... you dont really need it, and make your best attempt to keep your coffee intake to once a day. i know that this may be rough for those of you who are already following in my footsteps, but please, stop while you still have a chance!

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