Dec 9, 2004

what to do...

as most of you are well aware, i work at a factory. it is the type of place that involves me getting excessively dirty. the cause of this dirtiness, usually grease, oil, and coolant. i run a lathe... it uses ceramic tools to cut various types of steel, hense the grease, oil, and coolant. it is not fun (although, i did get in some good reading today... 2 rolling stones, 1 spin, and part of adventure... it was quality). exactly what i do and wether or not it is fun, is not the point. the point is... i always smell. every day, i go directly from work to my apartment, and the first thing i do is shower. i am not talking the fast 2 minute shower either... i scrub. regardless of the type of soap or the lengh of washing, nothing seems to work. i step out of the shower... seemingly clean... still smelling of a funky oil/coolant blend. i dont know what to do. i cannot stand it much longer. do any of you stinky ones out there have any advice for me?

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

More clothes, more perfume, use a lot of hair product.