Dec 6, 2004

a retraction

i was informed yesterday evening that the blog titled "lost and gone forever," overexagerated and made grevious errors. it is for that reason that today, i am writing a retraction. when i was talking about the over the rhine show that i was at saturday night, i slandered the name of my roommate and good friend sarah, in regard to her response to my wanting to go out with the band, rather than going home. the truth... david was going out with the band, but he wasnt so much interested in my going along with them. in my defense, a good story is always better when it is over exagerated, and i was really drunk at the time. it did seem to me, however briefly, that david was "all about me coming along." the fact of the matter, i was probably being so loud mouthed and obnoxious at the time that no one would have wanted to go out with me, especially the band that i had just payed money to see. sometimes i live in a bit of a fantasy world.

it is important that i set the record straight and that you all understand that sarah is amazing. she is one of the best friends ever, and if the band had really wanted me to come along, she would have been in full support of making my dreams come true. all of you blog readers out there, dont think less of her, think less of me. sarah, you are super, i love you, and thank you for not letting me drive drunk.

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