Apr 25, 2005

some changes.

So, I added some things, and I changed some other things. The music is good. Look at it. My new title... try to figure out where that phrase comes from. If you get the answer right, there will be a prize. There is no deadline here, take your time, whoever gets it first wins. The new subheader... sadly, those two things are a large part of my life... also, the title of a movie... you should watch it.

We put down the security deposit for a new apartment this evening. I am not so sure about it. Oh well. It is only two blocks from my house now and they will let us have the dog. Whatever. I might stress too much.

Oh, and my jeep has gone and quit on me. I got to ride in a tow truck this morning! Now, I get to drive the multi-colored jeep. We are featuring 4 colors on the outside, and 2 different interior colors. I look like a clown.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

I don't know who this is. This girl who smokes and doesn't even feature one christian artist on her list. I don't like it... go to church, I will if you do.