Apr 25, 2005

For Fellers

A post just for you, my friend Lyndsey Fellers. I must laugh... Matt is moving to Fairlawn. These are my stomping grounds. This is the place that I have played since I was a wee one. My top Fairlawn outing is Starbucks. This is the location of the store that I worked at for the year that I was not at OU. I also enjoy the Swenson's. You have got to try the Swenson's.

Where exactly in Fairlawn is Matt moving to? What exactly is he moving here for? Job? Where at. I want all the details. Do you all need help moving? I could probably make myself available, pending on when it is all going down. Email me if you want and I will give you my digits and you can call me.

I hope that this was helpful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's Swenson's?

Also Matt works for a company called Babcock & Wilcox, it's in Barberton. This is his third full week. All I know is that the apartment is in Fairlawn, not sure of the rest, but I can find out :)

Hopefully he is moving on Friday at some point, that will be determined later. I have one question...if you would be able to help, when would be a good time?