Feb 28, 2005

transitioning again.

i am returning to work tomorrow. yes, that is right, the factory and i will once again be bashing heads. it has been determined that i have quite an expensive lifestyle, and unless i want to become a hermit and never leave the house, than it is absolutely neccessary that i have some sort of steady income. there are certain sacrifices that i will be making, for budgeting/saving purposes and such, but i need to have some sort of social life. the other change, in order to allow me to return to work, i have had to cut my school schedule down to part time. now, i will be a 12 hour sort of girl, rather than an 18 hour sort of girl. it should be interesting.

these are the things i am sacrificing, and than we will review the things that i am keeping. i know that you are curious to learn all of this information. wants that will be no more: buying any and all the cds that i want at the drop of the hat; eating out or take out nearly every night of the week (yes, i am going to attempt to cook more often), going out to drink (if my friends want to drink, than they can come over, because i can by nearly an intire 6 pack at the store for the price of one beer at a bar); the purchasing of magazines from borders or other book sellers (shelf price is rediculous); drinking starbucks at my every whim (i am going to budget a perdetermined amount for every month, deposit that onto a starbucks card, and once it is gone, it is gone. no more.); i will now only be paying for myself when i am out with my friends (this sounds harsh, but it has gotten out of hand. no more hand-outs, buy your own dinner, buy your own beer, buy your own coffee, and buy your own cigarettes. i am done.)

now for the keepers: the obvious needs will stay, essentials such as food (for the grocery only), paying the rent, untilities, and such. the following wants will stay: magazine subscriptions (rolling stone, spin, paste, and adventure, but that is all, the rest are all cut off). i will allow myself to purchase 2 cds a month (i am not really sure how this will work yet, i may just budget a certain amount and try to use half.com or something). the alotted money on the starbucks card. cigarettes (i am not currently in the state that allows for quiting, it will have to happen at another time). i will allow myself the occational social eating out (this will probably involve budgeting a certain amount too). that is all. i am done now. i am sorry that i had to share all of that with you, but i feel that now that it has been stated somewhere other than my mind, it will be easier to really make it happen. thank you. goodbye.


Sweet T said...

what happened with the whole back stage thing??

Class of 2000 officers said...

So I forgot to say last time:
1. So glad you're cooking.
2. Zippo. (As in I want your)

Also, welcome (back) to the (factory) jungle. Also, Seth and I did a similar budget dissection and found that we eat out waaaay too much for people with a full fridge. even more disturbing was our $30-$40 a month orange juice budget. (at two-for-five, four gallons a week, four weeks a month...) It's all we ever drink, but it's starting to get ridiculous. This may have saved on our medical bills, however, as neither one of us got the flu of death that blanketed columbus. Let's hear it for Vitamin C!

call me back!