Feb 7, 2005

moving... again...

yes, you heard it right. i am moving. after all of the work that i put into my lovely apartment and now i have to leave it. the situation is this. i live with my friend. i care about her friendship and it has been my past experience that some people just cant live together... regardless of how much they love eachother. so, in hopes of salvaging the friendship, before it takes a turn for the worse, we have both agree that it would be best if i moved out. therefore, i will be making 1111 jefferson avenue my new home.

it has been decided that i will move upstairs into endres' room and endres will move downstairs into the office. originally, i was going to get the office, but she likes this plan better. i am all for it, because this way, i get a closet. i am all about closets. sad am i... yes. it will be okay though. i am just incredibly unexcited about moving all of my shit again. please, if you so desire, call me. i could use the support.

1 comment:

Class of 2000 officers said...

i'm signing you up for some sort of Movers Anonymous.

Mama mia, you moova too much eh?!

Classes begin Monday.

Seriously, though. Who gets to keep the hermit crab?