Feb 21, 2005

a weekend of beauty.

it was amazing. the mountains, the snow, the quiet, the company, the music, and the skiing, they were all great. i have not laughed so much in a long long time. as if all that wasnt enough, i got to go to athens, saw talya, and walked through town. i love it when my non-college friends get to see what was once my life. oh how i miss athens. i got donkey and i had a yummy hot dog. it was good.

the quote of the weekend, "the pie aint workin'!" that has to be said in a panicked voice, with great desperation, followed by a, "colleen, help me, i cant get up!" yes, i taught the erins how to ski. it was helarious. they both did well though. i think that they were the most successful students i have had since i taught heather how to ski. actually, they did about a thousand times better than heather did. it was a success.

i got home yesterday at 3pm. we stopped at the house to pee, then we went to birds birthday party. it was a suprise party. she was suprised and she hated us for it. it was funny though. we got home at like 6... unloaded the car, unpacked, and then i had to take the blazer back to my parents house. the weather was aweful... snow, then pouring rain, then blizzarding snow. icy. let me just say, icy. not fun. then i came home and went to bed. i havent gone to sleep so early in a long long time. i was exhausted. it was a good exhausted though.

i think i might move to a mountain and become a ski bumb. my life will be nothing but skiing in the winter and hiking/camping in the summer. that would be beautiful.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

It's almost weekend again... get a move on the blogging!