Feb 10, 2005

some clarification.

i thought that i had already explained this situation, but appantly, some of you (or at least one of you) readers are not understanding. the story of gomez... the hedge hog. i am partial owner of this little creature. the other partial owner is my friend molnar. when we purchased gomez, the agreed upon plan was that he would live with her on jefferson avenue. i am not sure why, but this seemed like the best idea. are you with me... shared hedge hog... living at molnars house... i live just a few blocks and several streets over. here is where it gets a little bit tricky. i am moving. my recently vacated home, where i lived with sarah, on portage path, is my residence no more. now, i am living with molnar, endres, vada (the cat), and gomez (the hedge hog) on jefferson avenue. therefore, there are no custody issues, because i didnt share the hedge hog with sarah, i shared it with molnar. sarah doesnt even like the hedge hog... quite frightedned of him actually. does this all make sense? lyndsey, are you with me?

the whole studying to much issue that i mentioned yesterday... i have come to a conclusion. compared to sarah, who is the one that spurred on this complex to begin with, i do study in excessive amounts. however that may be, i do not think that i study to much. in fact, i think that i study just the right amount. i have come to this decision after possibly the most stressful life of my college career comes to an end. i had a total of 3 papers and 3 midterms this week. they are all over now, and well, quite frankly, i kicked some ass. after just completing my final exam, i am confident in the fact that i wrote 3 excellent papers, and got either 100% or close to 100% on all of my midterms. therefore, i say, yes, i do study a lot, but the satisfaction that i am now feeling makes it all worth it. and sarah, we will see who does better when grades come. oh, if my freshman year self could see me now. what a wonder!

a funny: yesterday, i put my underware on inside out. yes, my life has become this dysfunctional. the sad thing is... it wasnt until the day was half over and i had already peed 3 times that i even noticed that they were inside out. yikes. before you know it, i will be putting the thong on backwards.

1 comment:

Class of 2000 officers said...

so if i understand this correctly...you will be moving into sarah's house on jefferson path and sharing a hermit crab with molnar.


got it.

thanks for the help.