Feb 3, 2005

things i like.

i like black keyboards. i had never thought about it before, but sitting here just now, it occured to me. i much prefer the black keyboard to the traditional grayish one. dont ask me why, i just do.

i love newcastle brown ale. i was drinking one last night and suddenly i was struck by this amazing apprecation for the substance. i think that possibly, this is the best beer ever developed. really. you should look into it.

i like parliment cigarettes. i think that is it sad that i like cigarettes at all, but i cant deny it. these ones are great. if you have a similar vice, you should try this particular type out. i actually like camel turkish royals more, but i think that they will kill me faster, so i try to stay away. but if you are all about killing yourself, then these are definately the way to go.

i like gomez... my new hedgehog. he is super. i really like watching him run around in his big runny ball. it is funny cause, regardless of where we want him to be, he always goes back to the kitchen. what is it about the kitchen? hmm. i also really like it when he goes to sleep in my sweat shirt pocket. this is the cutest thing ever. it is also quite ammusing to me when he poops on erin. he poops on erin a lot, so the entertainment is almost continual.

i like going to bed early. mostly, i think i just like to sleep. it may not be so much about going to bed early. tying into that, i also like mornings... waking up before everyone else. the world is at such peace... it is a beautiful thing. i especially like waking up early and going to starbucks before it gets busy. this is the best time ever... just me, my coffee, and my thoughts. beautiful.

i love coffee. the best option is starbucks, but any sort will do. if you ever want to put a smile on my face, than this is the way. sadly, though, i have recently been having some milk problems, so i have to drink soy now. if you are looking for suggestions... triple tall soy latte. yummy.

i like you. who knows... i may even love you.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

I had the best coffee, in St. John. I don't know if it was the coffee or the heavy cream substance, but it was the best I have ever had!
Just a question, not an accusation, but don't you wish that Starbucks was better than it is. I don't mean taste, I mean conscience wise. I mean isn't that more important? They have so much money, and they give a lot away, and they treat their in store employees awesome, but they could improve their international employee conditions... don't you wish for that? I mean what's a little more money when you have tons to dish out...