Mar 17, 2007

some comments on the comments.

In regard to the house fixing... I think that we should do a tour. Well, my house is almost finished, so we can bypass my neck of the woods. We can schedule visits and bring out tools right along with us. It occurs to me now that this might be the stupidest idea I have ever had. Continuing on... we can have a painting party at Talya's and a something else to fix party at Lyndsey's and Mae... hurry up and tear out a wall or something so that we can come down there and fix it. Anyhow... it would just be nice for us all to be in the same place at the same time.

Colin. Well, we can't all be rock climbers. Lets me honest... I haven't really been a rock climber since the last ankle incident anyhow. The fact that he is taller than me, quite cute, still in the 20's and doesn't have a significant other are major pluses. Oh no... is he gay? You know how that has been a problem lately. I really don't want another gay guy best friend. Seriously, it is time. I am tired of this best friend role that I have taken on. It is possible though, that I should be looking for someone a little closer to home?

Mae got her wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. Poor Mae. I hope that you are doing alright. It reminds me of when I got mine extracted. I was a sophmorish in high school and had a bit of a cold. Well, then I had the flu. I was in bed immobile for a week and a half. Hence, I asked you if you had a cold. I am sure that all is well. Make contact again when you can talk.

Lastly, I love snow, but enough already.


Sweet T said...

I can get down with a tour.
You should be glad I don't know how to make links on my page... because if any of my bosses ever found my page, then they would find your page, and you and Colin could never meet. When I said significant others... that means boys too Colleen. Nothing has been mentioned as of yet... I will try to do some detective work on Sunday!

Class of 2000 officers said...

tour = good. i'll bring sandwiches.

but why are we skipping your neck of the woods? a-kron is a must-see.

re colin: needing a visual confirmation.

crankin said...

is he reading the posts? regardless of a lack of links wont he be a bit thrown off by the colin talk on your page alone (even though he cant see the colin talk on my page). maybe some editing is in order?

we were skipping my neck of the woods because by the time the tour takes place, my home improvements will be over. but if you insist... we can take a nice break from the work here in akron... drinks some beer on the deck and whatnot.

Class of 2000 officers said...

UPdate. Crankin.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said... htmlteen hardboards banc utilitarian