Jan 30, 2006


I like to sit in the evenings, listen to Iron & Wine, and drink beer. It might be as pleasing as coffee and cigarettes in the morning. They are different.

My friend got arrested for armed robbery. He was once a good kid. When we were in high school, he started doing the drugs. Then he moved out of state and all I heard was that he made a Thanksgiving turkey and stuffed it with shrooms. A little less then a year ago, he moved back. We saw each other here and there, talked a bit. He seemed to always be high and there were rumors that he did lines at work. They say he robbed a liquor store, with a gun. My inclination was to believe them. I was sad, we used to be close, and he was such a great kid. Then I thought, maybe he didn't do it, maybe things just go mixed up. I just don't know.

He works with me now. His court date is in two weeks. So, it could be said we are friends again. Lately, he seems to be clean. I want to believe him. Do I have to decide? I will be his friend either way. Does it make me a bad friend if I remain undecided. Regardless of what I think, I try my best to support him. I want him to be innocent. Jail would be no good for him. I don't know, I am overwhelmed and it is past my bed time.

Is it really bad when someone has a felony on their record?

1 comment:

Monsterbeard said...

It's only on your record if you get convicted. And then it's bad because you go to prison, I think. It's ok to not believe him. The hard thing with people is loving them through their hard times, which you are already doing, whether he did it or not. So believing him isn't an issue. Loving him is.