Jan 11, 2006

Tell me what. I don't know.

I just sipped a latte that I purchased at approx. 11:30 this morning. Something must have come over me, I don't know what I was thinking, but it was not enjoyable. My brother, Mark, feels that as long as the coffee is less then 36 hours old, it is just fine to drink. I find this quite disgusting. Do you find this disgusting? Occationally, I think that the only reason I find it disturbing is that I used to work for Starbucks and serving coffee more than an hour old is not allowed. Is 36 hours the norm. for coffee consumption? It seems really freakish to me.

Why do musicians who are not French or Spanish feel the need to sing a random song in French or Spanish? At the moment, I cannot think of a Spanish example, but Nada Surf has got that French song going on on "Let It Go." Why?! They are not French, they do not speak French on a daily or even a regular basis. Why do they find it necessary to sing in French on their album? It really is irritating to me. I suppose that it may be for their French listeners, but if that is the case, then why don't they just put that particular song on the albums that they release in France? Suddenly, I have just realized how American I sound. Nevermind, please disregard this. I have throughly annoyed myself. Sorry about that.

Have you read The Poisonwood Bible? Can I get some feedback there? Thanks.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

chris and I have talked about reading that together... Lydia really liked it... I think you would too... oh wait have you read it... was this a let's discuss this matter... oh well