Jan 17, 2006

Trying something new.

Drama bothers me. Somehow, I am quite easily drawn to people who have an underlying drama that is constant in their lives. That is not to say that all of my friends are dramatic people. I go through periods that I must stop associating with this particular group of drama producers (I feel that I should note that I am not referring to you). I wonder how these people live in such states of discontent and unrest, how are they constantly dealing with this crap. All of these thoughts were going through my head and it occurred to me that I am quite a dramatic person, myself. This disturbed me.

So, I thought some more. The disturbance was spurred by two thoughts... 1. The drama of my friends is so often hard for me to take. It seems to push me to this point of emotional exhaustion. Therefore, the thought that I am dramatic really bothered me. 2. I do not like that I feel that I am always dealing with some sort of my own drama. When I am struggling or frustrated or, whatever, it is not something that I want. I really do want to be a happy or at least contented person.

I guess that that is something that I am going to have to work on. The other day, my friend, Jenn, told me that I should try optimism. Then it occurred to me, I am, or at least in the last year, I have been pessimistic about everything in my life. I used to be happy. So, I thought that I would try this optimism on for size and see where it takes me.

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