Said in an entirely asexual manner... I have been granted a new position at Alcon Tool Co. I am now the personal assistant of Charlie Rankin, co-owner of said company. This is both good and bad. I shall explain.
First, the good. I did not get into Kent State as I had hoped. This in itself is an exasperatingly long and frustrating story, so if you really want to know, we will have to do the phone thing. Thus, being that I will apparently not be attending college until September of 2006, I will be working. Now, you all know that working at the factory has never been pleasant for me. So, I really was quite tickled that my dad offered me this new position. I will be making a bit more money, and I will not be standing in front of the same machine day in and day out.
Now, the potentially good or bad... my dad and I think very much on the same lines. This could either be disastrous or just great. It is possible that I will totally agree with him on all matters and be more than excited to do all of the things that he may ask of me. Or, we will disagree on everything and it will be worse than standing in front of a machine ever was. I really cannot imagine this happening, but anything is possible.
The bad (or, I guess it could be good, but I don't really see that happening). Up until now, no one has ever filled this "personal assistant" position. Basically, he is making it up as he goes along. I foresee this being quite frustrating. My hope is that the kinks will be worked out early, and we can move on to smooth sailing. I start Monday. I will keep you posted.
We make knives. Those kind of knives, up there in the corner.
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