Nov 23, 2004

a good day at alcon?

i listened to pete yorn all day at work today. it was amazing. most days, it is difficult to listen to each cd more than once (i usually try to stretch it to 2 or 3 times). for reasons i am ussure of, today was the sort of day that the sweet melodies of pete yorn could be soaked up all day. it started with a bit of "day i forgot," then it smoothly transitioned into "musicfromthemorningafter." it was so beautiful... i cant even explain it to you. another nice thing that came along with the package... every time that i listen to the music of mr. yorn, i am filled with fond thoughts of lyndsey. so not only did i enjoy good music all day, but i was reminded of one of the greatest people in the world right along with it.

as if that wasnt enough for a good day, sarah came to work at noon and we went to lunch. can i just say, in the 6 years that i have worked at alcon tool (a job which i have sorely hated for the complete duration of that time), i have almost never felt like any of my friends cared a lick about knowing where i work or what i do there, let alone try to make the misery better by coming and taking me to lunch. sarah, however, is quite the opposite. on my birthday, we were cruising in the jeep, and she said, "hey, will you show me where you work?" i was shocked. to my further amazment, when i say random things about this job or that job that i am currently working on, she actually wants to hear about it. we are talking to the scale of, "i am not sure i really understand that, will you draw me a picture." today, she picked me up for lunch, we did the applebees thing and then when she took me back to work, she actually wanted to stay long enough to go inside. now this may seem insignificant, but if you have ever seen or smelled me when i come home from work, you would understand how amazing this is. walking inside the factory, however brief the stay may be, makes ones clothes reek, thus causing the individual to smell all day. as if smelling isnt enough, she wore the oversized, completely unattractive safety glasses. then she stood there seemingly interested in what i was talking about... even wanted a demonstration. all i have to say is, sarah, thank you for showing interest in such a seemlingly unimportant part of my life. you have no idea how good it makes me feel that you care where i spend 52.5 hours of my week.

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