Nov 16, 2004

every year it kills me

i am sick. it feels like i am sick more often than most people... i dont understand. i thought that when i quit smoking, my health would improve, since my immune system is better when not smoking and all. well, whoever told me that was wrong. i feel like i have had a cold since i quit smoking, than sarah started to get sick, and now i am sick. i feel like i got run over by a semi... not to be confused with what it feels like when i get run over by a bread truck (that is the hung over type of feeling). my head hurts, my throat is sore, my eyes hurt, the sinus' are throbbing, my body aches, i sound like a dying cow, and i am coughing, and worst of all, i cant sleep anymore. so i dragged my butt out of bed and i am here at the liberary... checking the email and blogging.

side note: i got a new phone, so if you try to call me at my old number you will not reach me. i sent out a mass email, but i am not sure that i got it to everyone that i wanted to. if you want me new number, than drop me an email and i will send it to you. my email address (just in case you dont have it) is rather than just posting my telephone number on the net, i am doing it this way. i will not reply to your email if you are just some random person who wants me phone number. i am a verizon user now, so all of you who have had to suffer with trying to talk to me while i was in my apartment. i am sorry. the bad connection and constant breaking up will no longer be a problem.

back to this sickness thing. i wonder what it is that causes people to be more prone to getting sick. i am not kidding... every fall, i dread it, than i am plagued by whatever the common cold is until about march... sometimes even further into the spring. is it possible that the constant severity of my allergies adds to my seseptability? if that is the case, thank you, grandma, for the outstanding genes you have passed along to me. seriously, i dont know what to do anymore. i take the vitamins and all, but nothing seems to stop the germs. i am going to create a platic bubble to put over my head... maybe that would work.

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