Mar 13, 2005

what a day.

I actually did it. I woke up this morning and I got my little butt to work. Amazing... talking about it is always easy, but doing it is an altogether different thing. It really was a highly productive day of doing things that I really didn't want to do. First, I did the work thing. Than I came home and showered. I am not sure why, I thought it was the sort of thing that one is supposed to outgrow, but I hate showering. Sadly, this is one of those things that one just shouldn't avoid. Than I sat on the couch for what seemed like hours and read Anna Karenina. I have been reading this book since July (I think it was July). It is too long... I can't handle it... not bad... it just won't hold my attention. Thankfully, I have less than 100 pages left. It should be wrapped up well before the end of the week. Now, you may wonder what was so bad about a relaxing afternoon of reading. Nothing. The issue was the reasoning behind why I read all afternoon. Endres moved out today. Being that both Molnar and I were concerned about the safety of our belongings while she and her various friends were moving her stuff out, it was decided that one of us needed to be here to watch over things. Well, Molnar and Endres have hardly been on speaking terms since Endres moved out, and due to the emotional stress that the situation causes Molnar, it was decided that I would be here for the duration of the moving out process and Molnar would be far far away. Based on the fact that I have been quite civil towards Endres since this whole thing began, I thought that the afternoon would be at least semi-bearable. Oh, how I was wrong. She was such a bitch to me. In fact, the abusive boyfriend, Jesse, was nicer to me than she was. I must say that I have done nothing to deserve this sort of treatment.

Hence, my afternoon was spent reading Anna Karenina and watching certain personal belongings like a hawk. Nothing was harmed, although she did steal the trash cans. Rediculous, I tell you. Than, after it was finally all over, I vacuumed! Yes, that is right, I vacuumed. It was important to me that all remnants of her were gone, and I wanted to move the desk, so vacuuming was a must. When that was all over, I went to my grandma's. Oh, and you know how much I just love Sunday nights at Grandma's house. Needless to say, it was rough.

I put in my dues... the time arrived when I could finally go home and just be... but no! I must have missed the memo, but apparently, this evening was "stupid people get in your cars and drive around night." This prevented me from getting home in the timely fashion that I had hoped, and it caused me a tremendous amount of frustration. Also, it must have been "stupid people go to Giant Eagle in Fairlawn and get in line in front of Colleen Rankin night." All I have to say is, I am done! I am turning my brain off and going to bed. You will not see me again for quite some time.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

Call me for the encouragement that cures angry butts like yourself.