Mar 17, 2005

good friends.

My dad always says two things. (1)Who is looking out for you? (2)You choose the people that you surround yourself with. Surround yourself with people that love, support, encourage, and allow you to be who you are.

Every day, I am realizing more and more how true these things are. My dad likes to talk a lot, because of that, some of the things that he says are not so much noticed, but this is gold. Having good, true friends in life is a huge blessing. This evening, it occurred to me that I have several good friends. To have this gift in life, people that really do love, support, encourage, and allow me to be me, this is irriplaceable. It is sad to think that many people go through life without ever holding on to the good ones, or maybe without even encountering the good ones.

Therefore, friends, I must thank you. Thanks, for loving me, for understanding when I don't call for months, or don't answer my phone when I feel like my life is falling apart. Thanks, for being honest when I need to be rebuked, and for saying just the right words when I am in great need of encouragement. Thank you, for supporting me in all that I pursue, and for challenging me to be a better person.

I am sorry, that I am not always the friend that I would like to be. Always know, and never doubt how much I truely love and appreciate you. Know that I value you more than I will ever be able to express. I will hold on to you for forever, and I love you.

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