Mar 15, 2005

chapped hands and face beaters...

Today, my roommate asked me if being a nice person would ever give anything back to her, or if it would only continue to make her life miserable. I had no response. The problem... I often feel this way myself, therefore, I was completely uncertain how to respond. Sometimes, I wish that I could just make everything better. It is hard for me to watch my friends hurt. I realize that there is nothing that I can do but love them, but that often times leaves me unsatisfied. Why all this suffering? I want Jesus to come back, but at the same time, I want him to put it off a bit longer. There are certain people that are so close, but they just aren't there yet. Jesus, if you could just wait until those ones sign on, than I will be happy. Thanks. Until than, could you try to work with this pain a little? You are swell.

Okay, back to people sucking. I am irritated. There is this moron that keeps commenting on Mae's blog, and he is really starting to tick me off. Seriously, if I knew who this individual was, than I would surely have some words for him. We are talking the not so nice words, and a possible, I am going to beat your face in. It is really strange to me that people feel better about themselves by putting others down. It makes me want to say... "What the hell is wrong with people today?! I hate them all!"

Saturday at work, I got a giant steel splinter in my right index finger. Yesterday, I spent some time with the tweezers and got it out. It hurt. Sadly, as is often the case with the metal type splinters, I only got part of it out. Well, it would seem that sometime between Saturday and this morning, it got infected. (It seemed that it was getting real irritated yesterday, that is why I went through the pains of getting it out.) I suffered through work, and than after my shower, I attacked it with full furry. After squeezing out an excessive amount of whitish yellow puss, I picked and poked until I felt like I was going to pass out. Than I got the knife. Using a sort of scalpel skin from muscle seperating technique that I picked up in BIOS 171, I got the fucker out. I am sorry for the harsh word, but it was a giant pain in my ass. My current medical condition is that I will most likely not loose the finger, and the infection will certainly subside, but the gaping hole is going to be a bit or extremely uncomfortable for several days. Yuck. I can hardly wait to go to work tomorrow and submerge my hands in oil and coolant! It is going to feel so good! Seriously though, pray for my hands. They are so chapped, I think that they might fall off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you should know and be proud that you were the lovely subject of some teter/klingler love when we were delirious before sleep last night. do well on your speech, girlie! we love you