Aug 29, 2005

what credit card is that commercial for?

Does anyone still read this? Sometimes I wonder. Maybe you have all stopped because, well, I stopped writing for so long, or because I am always whining when I write. Maybe it is the combination of the two.

I am a victim of identity theft. Yes, they informed me yesterday evening. It really is a bizare feeling. I feel like a part of me has been violated since the Romanian tried to steal all of my money. Thanks, to those good old folks at Visa for being on top of things and telling the individual in Romania that he or she couldn't have it. How did these individuals get my credit card number, you may ask, I have no idea! They are tricky little fuckers... apparently, they have ways of stealing your identity that none of us were aware of.

Mae, what is the skinny on your playing at Donkey. I was thinking that I might try to make it down. I need all of the details though before I can make a decision.

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