Aug 27, 2005

i can't seem to regulate.

Does every one else in the world struggle to find balance in their lifes the same way I always seem to? I often wonder if others find themselves in such crazy and stressed out states as I do. There is always something that needs to be done and never a sufficient amount of time to do it in. I try to regulate and balance but I never seem to succeed.

In my life it is typically all or none. In all things, I either do it well all the time, or don't do it at all. This is not healthy, I realize, but I am unsure how to fix it. Up to this point, everything I have tried seems to have failed miserably. There are few exceptions to this statement, but overall, I have not reached my potential in all areas of my life. This is frustrating and I am tried of seeing it all the time.

It appears that this is me. The problem, I don't want this to be me. I want to be a person of character and success. I don't care about certain successes, I just want to feel that I have done well at doing what I have set out to do. I must change, not for anyone else, but for myself.

Personal, wow, that might have been a bit much.

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