Jul 2, 2007

on a lighter note.

I think that I may be having second thoughts on the shooting of the groundhogs, whether it be with both real or paint filled bullets. My weakness is a bit upsetting.

We had a bonfire on Saturday night. It was a tremendous success. All of the wood that was once the shed living on the North end of the property has been diminished to ash. It was great fun, and quite satisfying to make a big fire all by myself, with only a lighter and newspaper (this is really very impressive).

My experience has thought me a few things, so I will share with you my new knowledge. As the manager of the big fire, be sure to wear some sort of full coverage shoe (as in not a flip flop). There was no real problem with the sandal, but my foot was dirtier than I have ever seen it. Keep a water filled hose and a shovel handy. I had both of these items by my side from the start and they both proved to be essential. The hose was necessary at the beginning and the shovel was needed towards the end. Lastly, start the big fire approximately 30 minutes to an hour before the guests arrive. When the blaze began, it was hot, very hot. So, I tended the fire with the water hose while everyone else stood back about 20 feet and giggled at me frying my skin. It was not the most fun and a bit lonely too.

I grilled. There was a massive amount of beer. It really was fantastic. I wish that you had been there.


Class of 2000 officers said...

i am beyond pissed that i was not invited to the bonfire.

so glad you're back.

still beyond pissed.

crankin said...

you would have come if i had invited you?

Sweet T said...

who went?

Unknown said...

Me too. Totally pissed.

crankin said...

everyone but you three were there. oh, and sara haas.