Apr 26, 2006

laundry mishap

I am pissed. However, the disaster that caused the pissiness is of my own lack of thinking, so I suppose that it is okay. Do you have a favorite pair of jeans? I do. Really, I consider them my only pair of jeans (besides the nasty ones that I wear to work that is). I do in fact have two other pairs of "every day wearable jeans," but they have never been my friends, in fact I have probably not worn them more than once or twice. I was saddened the other day when I noticed that my favorite pair of jeans was wearing thin in several different locations and that the slightest of wrong movements could spell disaster. This got me to thinking about weather I was going to try to find a new pair of favorite jeans or if I would try to reenforce the weakening fabric and wear them still. Then came the laundry mishap. It is my habit to try to do laundry every Sunday, whether it "needs" to be done or not. However, I try no to be a waster, so if there is not enough dirty clothes to seperate by color, I throw them all in at once. (This had never been a problem before, but it now proves to be a terrible idea.) I think that it was those damn blue underwear, at least that is all that I can figure. Now, my favorite jeans are mostly unwearable.

I just ordered two new pairs of jeans. It is a bit of a rush because well, I need jeans. It would seem that I have gained a pound or two since last summer (which is when I got my two other pairs of jeans) because though they are wearable, they are a bit snug, and well, you know how I feel about things being snug. It is my great hope that I will find in one of my newly ordered pairs of jeans a new favorite pair. I will sit in mourning until they arrive, and then I will do my best to move on.


Anonymous said...

sorry about the pants.

are you free any time soon? I would love to see you sometime.

Lyndsey H.

Class of 2000 officers said...

but i miss your blog. and you.